Bison Roofing and Solar Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach Local Roofers

Thinking About Adding a Solar Roof in Florida? Here’s Why You Should – As Soon as Possible.

Having a solar roof in Florida is something that many homeowners consider. There are lots of important questions to ask about solar roofing before you commit to the change. However, the bottom line is that solar power is the way of the future. Not only is it important to go solar, but it is also essential to act on it quickly. There are lots of changes coming to FPL rates and solar tax incentives and the time to go solar is NOW. Here are the top reasons you should add a solar roof to your home within the next few months.

The Benefits of a Solar Roof in Florida

  1. Save Money. Who doesn’t want to save money? By going solar, you can begin saving money right away. By adding solar energy to your home, you lock in a rate that is lower than your current FPL bill. This rate will remain the same until you pay off your solar system, at which point it will only be a small fee – currently $9 – to FPL monthly. With FPL fees going up in the near future, this is a great way to ensure you have a set price for years to come. 
  2. Clean Energy. By adding a solar roof in Florida, you are directly contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment. Solar energy creates clean, renewable power from the sun and greatly reduces your carbon footprint. 
  3. Systems Built to Last. Here in Florida, we can have some rough weather. However, our solar panels are built to withstand a Category 5  hurricane, so no need to worry about them sailing off in a storm! 
  4. Enhanced Home Value. By adding solar panels to your house, you are automatically increasing the value of your home by thousands. Solar is the way of the future, and it is a huge selling point if you are thinking about selling your home in the near future. 
  5. Tax Credits. There are some big tax incentives in Florida right now for adding solar roofing to your home. The good news is that you can take advantage of them now. The bad news is that these incentives will get lower as time goes on, so the earlier you act, the more you will be able to profit from solar energy. 
  6. Stay Ahead of FPL. As mentioned above, Florida Power and Light is slated to increase their rates in the near future. By switching to solar now, you can lock in a low rate, and avoid surprise increases from FPL. It is equatable to locking in gas rates when they were $.99 – you would be thanking yourself now! You can do the same thing with your electric bill if you go solar as soon as possible. 


Adding a solar roof to your home in Florida is easy, cost effective, and a great way to save money, especially if you make the switch as soon as possible. There are many misconceptions about getting solar roofing installed, such as that you need excellent credit, or a lot of money to put down. Quite the contrary. 

Get started with solar roofing today!

Contact Bison Roofing and Solar today to find out if your home qualifies for solar. Most homes do. We guarantee our work, and with over 500 solar systems installed, you are working with the best in the industry. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, and help you navigate the process of adding a solar roof in Florida! 

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